Comb Gage

Comb Gage

Measuring the film thickness of freshly applied coatings in the wet stage is very important. On one hand, film thickness influences the quality of a product; on the other hand, applying too much coating can be expensive. Depending on the application method, it is advisable to measure wet film thickness.

There are 3 types available:

  • for film thickness 25 – 2000 µm, 90 mm outer diameter made of stainless steel
  • for film thickness 5 – 150 µm, 58 mm outer diameter made of stainless steell
  • for film thickness 25 – 2000 µm, Dual scale rectangular measuring comb made of blank brushed all aluminum stock

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Messkam aus gebürstetem Vollaluminium


ASTM D4414 D713
ISO 2808