Brabender-Laboratory Feeder RotoTube

Brabender-Laboratory Feeder RotoTube

Small feeder for granules and fine-grained media.

Brabender-Laboratory Feeder RotoTube


The RotoTube micro doser is a miniature rotary tube doser with a brushless GS motor with integrated speed controller. With granular bulk materials, especially granules, it is practically possible to throw off individual grains one after the other. This makes the device particularly suitable for laboratory use.


  • Miniatur Hightech-Dosierer in Laborgröße mit Drehrohr-Dosierprinzip für Granulate und feinkörnige Medien
  • Feed rates as low as a few grams per hour
  • High-tech weighing system with digital load cell DigiMASS-2 for high weighing accuracy
  • Volumetric or gravimetric design
  • Feed rates from 1 dm³/h up to 5 dm³/h

The RotoTube is  easily disassembled for wet or dry cleaning, whereby the hopper is detached from the fixed housing by means of quick-release fasteners and pulled off. The RotoTube is equipped with a tilting device for stepless tilting of the rotary tube to adjust the output as required.