Brabender-SiloTray Metering Bin Activator

Brabender-SiloTray Metering Bin Activator

The SiloTray is a metering device for high feed rates and is capable of reliably discharging difficult bulk materials from bins and silos either continuously or in batches.

Brabender-SiloTray Metering Bin Activator


  • Controlled discharge or volumetric metering
  • Ideal for consistent refilling of downstream metering or conveying equipment at a defined rate
  • The SiloTray is ideal for bulk materials such as granules, powders, flakes, fibers and chips.  It should not be used for hygroscopic, sticky or highly flushing ingredients.
  • Compactions-free "first in - first out" discharge
  • Material deaeration and homogenization
  • For silos and bins made of normal steel, stainless steel, aluminum or plastic
  • Models from 600 to 1500 mm diameter


The SiloTray is a discharge device for bulk goods from a silo/bin. The vibration of the two vibration motors rotating in opposite directions causes the discharge floor to vibrate in a directional manner. Due to the directed vibration, the product is conveyed to the outlet via the material baffles without compaction.