Brabender-BAV Bin Activator

Brabender-BAV Bin Activator

The Brabender bin activators are used for the continuous or discontinuous discharge of bulk materials from silos and bins.

Brabender-BAV Bin Activator

The Technology:

  • Vibration discharge device
  • Internal welded baffle
  • flexible hanger rods for horizontal vibrations
  • Maintenance-free vibrator motor
  • Models from 600 to 1800 mm diameter
  • Available in mild steel or stainless steel.  

The advantages

  • Ideal for consistent refilling of downstream metering or conveying equipment
  • Suitable for all bulk goods
  • Compaction-free "first in – first out" discharge
  • Material deaeration and homogenization
  • For silos and bins made of normal steel, stainless steel, aluminum or plastic