• Measuring area: 23 mm diameter
  • Menu guided operation according to your own sampling procedure
  • Pass/Fail results displayed on the instrument for instant feed back at the line
  • Professional data documentation and analysis with smart-chart software

Total color impression

  • 5-angle color measurement for light/dark travel evaluation: 15° / 25° / 45° / 75° / 110°
  • Additional color measurement behind the gloss for color flop analysis: -15°
  • Detection and quantification of fluorescent light excited in the visible range (Intensity Emission)
  • Excellent agreement between instruments allows use of digital standards among the supply chain
  • Stable, long-term calibration – needed only every three months
  • Temperature independent results (10 – 40° C) – without calibration
  • Stable positioning due to 4 trigger pins on bottom plate – operator influence minimized
  • 10 year warranty on LED light source – no lamp changes needed

Reliable readings at any time

In order to guarantee stable positioning, the BYK-mac i is equipped with trigger pins on the bottom plate of the instrument. If the pins do not have contact with the surface, an error message will be displayed. This ensures reproducible results on test panels as well as curved parts (r > 500 mm). Additionally, the surface temperature is measured and saved with each measurement.

Ergonomic design and easy operation

The shape of the instrument is designed to ensure easy handling and true portability. Due to its intuitive menu quality control of metallic finishes has never been easier.

  • Menu guided operation according to your own sampling procedure
  • Designated buttons for standard and sample readings
  • Scroll wheel to select menu functions
  • Large color display - easy-to-read inside and outside
  • Storage of up to 1000 readings in selectable memories
  • smart-chart software for professional analysis, documentation and data management



ASTM D 2244 E 308 E 1164 E 2194
DIN 5033 5033 6174 6175-2
DIN EN ISO 11664      
SAE J 1545      



Fluorescence is the spontaneous emission of light by a substance that has absorbed light. Part of the emitted light is released as heat. Therefore, the fluorescent light is typically of lower energy and thus, longer wavelength than the exciting light.

This phenomenon is called “Stokes Shift” and well known for optical brighteners that absorb light in the UV-range and emit the fluorescent light in the blue wavelength range.

But, it can also occur in the visible range e.g. light excited in the blue wavelength range can be shifted to the green, yellow or red wavelength range.

Measurement of Fluorescence

BYK-mac i is the only portable spectrophotometer which can detect fluorescent light excited in the visible range. BYK-mac i is equipped with additional sensors integrated in the white coated hemispheres of the graininess illumination. These sensors measure the shifted fluorescent light in clearly defined wavelength ranges and allocate it to the respective emission wavelengths.

Due to the highly stable LED illumination fluorescent colors can also be measured repeatable with one BYK-mac (no warm-up time, no temperature drift) and from one BYK-mac to another BYK-mac (no lamp aging).

Additionally, BYK-mac i quantifies the fluorescent light by calculating a new index - the Intensity Emission value. The Intensity Emission index (Int-Em) can be used as a preliminary
indicator for light fastness.

Always ready

The instrument is operated with a rechargeable battery pack (Li-Ion). The docking station automatically charges the battery pack in the instrument as well as a spare pack located in the docking station. Optionally the instrument can be operated with 4 standard mignon alkaline or rechargeable batteries. The docking station also transfers the measured data to a PC. For professional analysis, documentation and data management smart-chart software is included.

Comes complete with:

  • Multi-angle spectrophotometer
  • Black calibration standard (7044)
  • White calibration standard with certificate
  • Color checking tile
  • Docking station with USB cable for data transfer (6360)
  • Instrument interface cable for online data transfer (6413)
  • Protective cap (6336)
  • 2 light protection covers (6414)
  • Seal replacement kit (6348)
  • Cleaning set (6364)
  • 2 rechargeable Li-ion battery packs (6359)
  • Battery holder
  • 4x AA batteries
  • Software with 2 licenses for download:
  • smart-lab Color (4862) or smart- process (4831)
  • Manual
  • Carrying case
  • 1-day training
    BYK-mac i Color Koffer Set