micro-gloss 60° XS

ISO 2813, 7668
DIN 67530
ASTM D523, D2457
JIS Z8741

Small port for small parts

Today, many products consist of different parts that are coordinated in terms of shine and appearance. An attractive design is essential for the success of products such as smartphones, computers or home electronics. Very small parts are often built into larger components or serve as connecting elements, e.g. frames, buttons or decorative strips. Due to their size and shape, they are difficult to check with classic gloss meters.


The micro-gloss XS is a 60° device with a small measuring area of 2x4 mm, the ideal solution for measuring small parts and ensuring they fit with the other components.

Another variant, micro-gloss 60° XS-S with increased performance, is available for measuring very matt surfaces.


  • Intelligent gloss measurement with smart communication
  • Excellent repeatability and device agreement
  • Intelligent autodiagnosis ensures accurate measurement results at all times
  • Brilliant color display: easy to read - easy to use
  • Statistics, pass/fail and storage - ideal for QC and on-site measurements
  • Continuous mode for testing homogeneity over large areas
  • QC reports with trend graph and pass/fail limits in no time
  • Smart-lab Gloss or smart-process Gloss software: QC reports with trend graph and pass/fail limits in no time