micro-gloss 60° robotic

micro-gloss 60° robotic
Gloss meter 60° for automated measurement


ISO 2813, 7668
DIN 67530
ASTM D523, D2457
JIS Z8741


Gloss meter for automation

A stable running process is the key for uniform and consistent quality. The new micro-gloss robotic allows automatic appearance control. With the robust fixture it can be integrated into measuring systems like a xy-table. Thus, measurements are taken always on the same sample area, which ensures repeatable positioning and reliable results.


Available in 3 variants::

  • micro-gloss 60° robotic

  • micro-gloss 60° S robotic
    Improved repeatability and inter-instrument agreement for the low gloss range (< 20 gloss units)

  • micro-gloss 60° robotic, non contact 3 mm
    Non-contact measurement with 3mm distance



  • Intelligent gloss measurement with smart communication
  • Excellent repeatability and device agreement
  • Intelligent autodiagnosis ensures accurate measurement results at all times
  • Brilliant color display: easy to read - easy to use
  • Statistics, pass/fail and storage - ideal for QC and on-site measurements
  • Continuous mode for testing homogeneity over large areas
  • QC reports with trend graph and pass/fail limits in no time
  • Smart-lab Gloss or smart-process Gloss software: QC reports with trend graph and pass/fail limits in no time